get cheatsheets to express yourself

and your disorder.

  • partner cheatsheet

    Explaining to your partner more in-depth how your triggers effect your behavior - a deeper, more raw and introspective explanation of the darker parts of your BPD that you may have kept hidden up until this point.

    Or, disclose your disorder to a new partner with a clear path forward- knowing how to verbalize your disorder in a more detached way without leading with the worst… or tiptoeing around it.

    This cheatsheet is an explanation, not an excuse. But the explanation is free of shame and self-deprecation. It’s a logical and growth-minded joint exploration of your disorder, inviting your partner to become a more involved party in the development of your stability and wellness.

  • new diagnosis cheatsheet

    Are you exploring a BPD diagnosis, or are recently diagnosed? Contrary to popular current psychiatric belief, knowledge of diagnosis can actually be incredibly helpful to those with the disorder. If this knowledge is gifted with compassion and without stigmatization, diagnosis can be an immense gift, catapulting us forward into our journey of healing and wellness. We’ll cover what exactly a BPD diagnosis means… and where to start your own very personal process of healing.

    Please note- this cheatsheet will provide you a jumping-off point in the process of seeking diagnosis but this information is intended to help you find correct diagnosis… and that may not always be a BPD diagnosis.

  • crisis planning cheatsheet

    It’s a daunting and somewhat depressing task, planning for the worst… but for those with this disorder, it’s necessary. Emotional crisis happens, and through treatment and regulation it will happen less and less- but regardless, you need a plan for when the metaphorical sh*t hits the fan. You need have a safety plan in place, safe people, safe places. This cheatsheet will outline how to plan for the worst, with a conjoined goal of botj keeping you safe, and retaining your autonomy.

  • workplace cheatsheet

    If you’re diagnosed with this disorder, then you know very well the massively positive impact that workplace accommodations can have on your own mental stability. But how does one go about getting these accommodations…? How do you walk up to your manager or supervisor and ask for things that you require to do your job to your fullest ability? There shouldn’t be shame attached to that. We live in a neurodivergent world. Disabilities of all varieties exist and its time we start including them. This cheatsheet can be the start of that conversation for you in your workplace.

Learn More About BPD


We start first with awareness.

Then accountability and direct action.

You didn’t create your trauma but you can treat it.